September/October Course News – Dylan Knight

Posted on: 8 October

September is now done and dusted. October will be just as busy for the turf team. There is another greens renovation planned with weather conditions improving weekly. Spraying of weeds in all surfaces to continue with a major focus on our short grass playing areas.

 The past month saw us complete a solid tine renovation on greens which consisted of a 19mm tine to a depth of 200mm. More than 50 tonnes of sand was applied prior to the greens being tined which aids in keeping the surface smoother throughout the process. Once the tining had ceased we then rubbed the sand into the holes left behind. Then followed up with a roll, generally we would irrigate but with the forecasted rain we allowed mother nature to due this, and she did with a total of 47mm.

This process aids in fresh root development, infiltration, oxygen and gas exchange which are all vital for turfgrass especially fine turfgrass.

 Tees have also been solid tined again with a 12mm tine to a depth of 50mm. This was then followed up with our cool season seed blend, then also a topdressing to cover the seed mix. This process will aid in seed germination over the coming weeks. This process will be completed again in late October followed up with granular wetting agent and fertiliser application.

 The herbicide application made to the fairways has taken effect and showing good results, numerous follow up applications over the season will be needed due to the high population of Poa annua plants. Moving forward we will be on a full pre-emergent program in our warm season surfaces.

 Roughs at this stage have remained untouched with our focus and hours being put into our fine cut surfaces. We are aware of the high amount of infestation around the course. I am holding off these applications until slightly warmer weather moves in. This will allow us to have a quicker and more prominent kill on our target weeds which may mean we only need to make one application. 

 Bunkers we continue to work on weekly basis. Picking our targets selectively especially after rainfall events noting our worst performers.

 The chipping green has had a significant amount of sand left on its surface compared to the other 20 greens, this will continue throughout the season as we keep working on making that surface smoother, allowing more playability and overall, a better member experience. This being the case it will also be cut at a higher height of cut to enable us to achieve our goals much quicker.


 Your Superintendent. 


Dylan Knight

Gisborne Golf Club

Course Superintendent

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