Tree Renewal Program Update 16-8-24

Posted on: 16 August

Hi Members

Many of you would have noticed the new plantings between the 5th and 6th holes, along with the 13th hole. 

This is part of the Tree Renewal Program set up by Neil Tonkins and supported by donations from members and friends. 

The trees between the 5th green and 6th tee have been carefully selected to fit in with the existing Fauna.

Planting between 5th green and 6th tee

Tree Species Planted
Eucalyptus Camaldulensis (River Red Gum)

Acacia Implexa (Wattle)

Banksia Integrifolia (Banksia)
Melaleuca Lanceolota (Black Paperbark)

The plantings on the 13th have been selected to protect and border the fairway from the driving range. There is a mix of taller and lower growing species.

Planting 13th Hole and Driving range

Tree Species Planted
Eucalyptus Citrodora (Lemon Scented Gum)

  Eucalyptus Polyanthemos (Red Box) 
Eucalyptus Sideroxylon Rosea (Red Flowering Ironbark)


Lower Growing Species
        Melaleuca Lanceolata (Black Paperbark)                               Banksia Integrifolia (Banksia)

Thanks to Matt Dean and the team from Boomerang Landscapes for all their work in assisting with this project.

Over the next few months there will be more areas that are planted as part of this ongoing project.

Best Regards

Brett Campbell

General Manager


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